welcome to my world ..

Selasa, 16 November 2010

happy idul adha

vhebi say :
happy idul adha
for everyone who celebrate

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

just bought these...

soo many thanks for Tabea shop and madam's koper :)

the black one :)

the flower skirt

pray for my lovely country "INDONESIA"

too many disaster in my country in 2010 , first floods in Wasior, Papua then earthquake and tsunami in the Mentawai islands, West Sumatra til the eruption of Mount Merapi in Magelang, Central Java .. soo horrible :'(

lets pray for our country - INDONESIA

floods , wasior

tsunami , mentawai

tsunami , mentawai

the euruption of merapi

3ds max ..

just try to make a Project with 3ds max , this is the first time i use this software , dont know what function of the icons .. so its so difficult for me .. AND this is my first project :p noi too bad ..

botanical garden :)

just visited to "Bogor Botanical Garden" last week with my BF , get some photos and i think that wow ! hha :) here you go ...

photo by : Ardito Rahmandani